
Who is the Cyber Specialist?

After working as a Cyber Security specialist around the UK, I decided I want to help local businesses understand cyber security and what it means to them. There are so many amazing and interesting businesses based in Cumbria, but how many small businesses have access to their own cyber security expert?
The Cyber Specialist offers Cumbrian businesses affordable cyber security and data privacy support. If you need some one-off advice, would like regular support or need to appoint a Privacy Manager / Data Protection Officer, I’m here to help.

How we can Help

Specialising in cyber security & data protection advice and support



Get in touch using the details below

Find me at the office:

1 Trinity Enterprise Centre,
Ironworks Road
LA14 2PN

Phone or Email:

Anya Graham Ritch
01229 244100

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The Cyber Specialist is a trading name of Caldew Consulting Limited.

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